Aftermath (2017) Full Movie
Click Here to Watch Click Here to Download Aftermath (initially titled 478) is a 2017 American show thriller film coordinated by Elliott Lester and composed by Javier Gullón. The film stars Arnold Schwarzenegger, Scoot McNairy, Maggie Grace and Martin Donovan. The film discharged on April 7, 2017, by Lionsgate Premiere. Plot Roman is a man who lost his better half and youngster in a plane crash. The catastrophe happened while air activity controller Jake Bonanos was on obligation. Roman accuses the air movement controller and can't release it. He is requesting answers face to face. The film depends on the genuine Überlingen mid-air impact, and the consequent murder of Danish air activity controller Peter Nielsen at Skyguide by Russian draftsman Vitaly Kaloyev, who considered Nielsen in charge of the passings of his better half and two youngsters in the catastrophe. Thrown Arnold Schwarzenegger as Roman (in view of Vitaly Kaloyev) Hurry McNairy as Jacob ...